NNN 2020 Conference Recordings

10 Oct 2020
Behaviour change Monitoring and Evaluation Implementation

Did you miss the NNN 2020 Conference? Were you unable to attend a workshop? You can watch the recordings of plenaries, workshops and rapid fire presentations here.

Plenary Sessions

Opening Plenary

Closing Plenary

Workshop Session 1

1.1 Collective action in the face of COVID-19

1.2 Mainstreaming GESI into health system strengthening for NTDs: case studies in Nepal, Tanzania and Uganda

1.3 Building on the evidence base for addressing the mental health burden of NTDs: programmatic examples of integrated care

1.4 Applying gender equality and inclusion in NTD interventions to achieve equitable health services

1.5 Strengthening the connection between research and programming to beat NTDs

Workshop Session 2

2.1 Adopting the WHO framework on sustainability - what does it mean for implementers and health ministries?

2.2 Making the most of evidence and learning in NTDs: defining a knowledge management approach for the NNN

2.3 Enhancing national NTD programmes - approaches to empowering local teams

2.4 Applying a quality improvement model to NTD programme implementation: supporting programmes in identifying keys for sustaining operations

Workshop Session 3

3.1 Preferred practices of participation, inclusion and human rights of people affected by NTDs

3.2 People are neglected, not diseases

3.3 Road to resilience: building sustainable public health capacity within national NTD programmes

3.4 Behaviour change programming for NTDs - new guidance and case study series

Workshop Session 4

4.1 Considerations for developing and deploying cost and economic impact models in the elimination/control of 5 PCT NTDs

4.2 From evidence to practice and back again: transforming WASH and NTDs programming

4.3 Innovate to accelerate - how to apply innovative thinking and design innovative projects to accelerate progress against NTDs - recording coming soon

4.4 The end to end supply chain – working together towards a successful supply chain strategy to beat NTDs

4.5 Enhancing the NTD toolkit – practical approaches to addressing mental wellbeing and stigma

Rapid Fire Sessions

The rapid-fire sessions consist of a series of 5-minute presentations on a wide array of topics—communications, policy, programmes, examples of cross-sectoral partnerships NTD operations in humanitarian settings, cross-sectoral partnerships across disciplines, and many more. These are short, sharp and exciting, offering expert insight in emerging or ongoing topics of interest.

Rapid Fire Session 1

Rapid Fire Session 2